Early Lions Badge 

The History of our Lions Club

This page is under construction

It will eventually contain a history of our club authored by our Charter (founder) member Albert Whittle.

A little bit to be going on with:-

In Lions year 1979-80 the club decided that the beds in Wimborne hospital needed replacing because they were in very  poor condition.  So it was agreed that the club would put in a major effort over the year to fund raise for the replacement of the beds. A major part of the money was raised by having one of the worn out beds in the square in Wimborne and selling it by the inch!  In all the club raised £3800 (which equates to around £13000 now) and were able to replace all the beds with brand new ones.

An interesting point about this was that originally the beds had been subject to VAT but Lion Albert didn't think that was right because other hospital equipment was VAT exempt.  He took on the HMRC and eventually they agreed to include hospital beds in the equipment which was VAT exempt. Hence the Lions could afford to replace all the beds.